About us

Amaron Fund Management AB

With head office in Malmö and office in Stockholm, Sweden Amaron Fund Management AB is an authorized Alternative Investment Fund Manager authorized by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority Finansinspektionen, FI, in accordance with Lag (2013:561) om förvaltare av alternativa investeringsfonder and its related regulations FFFS (2013:10) finansinspektionens föreskrifter om förvaltare av alternativa investeringsfonder.

In 2012, Amaron launched the Norama Fund S.C.A., which in July 2016 was converted to Norama Real Estate Fund S.C.A. SICAV-SIF. The fund was liquidated in 2021, ending up with having provided an annual return to the investors in the range between 20 and 29 per cent, depending on the timing of the investor´s allocation. To read more, use this link: Hardmanreport.

Amaron is specialized on real estates.
Our Asset Management is based on fundamental methodologies, market presence, deep knowledge and diversification. Our board of directors and management are well experienced within investment management, property management, financial/banking industry and more importantly; risk- and compliance management. With the combined competences of AMARON, partners and its network, we are determined to continue to deliver high performance investment results on a long-term basis.

We refer to our investment style as opportunistic, even though our normal acquisitions are made in properties that hosts stable tenants and shows solid finances. We are always looking for certain “twists” with the ambition that every property over time may outperform the average market. The financial return on the bottom line often comes from carefully targeted property improvements and lease arrangements.

Experienced Team

The Amaron Real Estate Fund will involve the experienced team that founded/led Norama Real Estate Fund to growth and a return.

The Amaron team has remained intact since 2016 and has strengthened its transaction capacity with key team members, coming from market-leading companies.

The team has an extensive local knowledge and an entrepreneurial approach which is key to understanding the market and eNectively executing transactions and counterparty risk management.

Combined, this team has a track record of completing real estate transactions exceeding SEK 20 Bn within the Swedish part of the Greater Copenhagen region. In addition to this investment experience, the team has managed, from board and executive levels, regulated vehicles as well as listed companies.

Let us present our teams: