AMARON FUND MANAGEMENT AB, with head office in Malmö, Sweden, is an Alternative Investment Fund Manager authorized by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority Finansinspektionen, FI, pursuant to Lag (2013:561) om förvaltare av alternativa investeringsfonder and its related regulations FFFS (2013:10) finansinspektionens föreskrifter om förvaltare av alternativa investeringsfonder. Amaron is also authorized to manage real estate funds pursuant to lag (2013:561) om förvaltare av alternativa investeringsfonder 3 kap. 1 och 9 §§.
Applicable laws and regulations
The Directive 2011A/61/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2011 on alternative investment fund managers and the Commission Delegated Regulation 2013/231/EU of 9 December 2012 create obligations for Alternative Investment Fund Managers, AIFM´s, and have been implemented with the Swedish legal framework by the Swedish Alternative Investment Funds Managers Act, AIFMA, (2013:561 – LAIF) and its related regulations: the Swedish financial supervisory authority Finansinspektionen’s Regulations regarding Alternative Investment Fund Managers (FFFS 2013:10).
Acknowledgement of marketing EES-based AIF to professional investors in Sweden persuant to lag (2013:561) om förvaltare av alternativa investeringsfonder 4 kap. 6 §
Acknowledgement of a Swedish AIF manager´s management of an EES-based AIF persuant to lag (2013:561) om förvaltare av alternativa investeringsfonder 6 kap. 1 §
Permit to manage AIF´s persuant to lag (2013:561) om förvaltare av alternativa investeringsfonder 3 kap. 1 §
Permit to manage AIF´s with fund strategy real estate funds, pursuant to lag (2013:561) om förvaltare av alternativa investeringsfonder 3 kap. 1 och 9 §§
Amaron Fund Management AB is permitted to market AIF´s in Sweden, Austria, Germany, Finland, Norway, Denmark, and Spain.
Amaron´s COMPLIANCE OFFICER and RISK MANAGER is Kjell Rudsby. Rudsby is a former managing director and board member of various Swedish and international securities- and fund companies. SwedSec professional as Specialist, Advisor and Leadership & Control functions, IFU, Certified Risk Manager and Cloud Officer. Rudsby has over 30 years of experience from the financial sector.
Amaron Fund Management has outsourced the RISK CONTROL SERVICES to FCG FONDER AB (Second line). FCG is one of the Nordic region’s leading independent consulting companies focusing on financial compliance, risk management and business management. Mikael Olausson oversees FCG’s operations with regards to Amaron Fund Management.
KPMG Sweden (Malmö)
Markus Johansson
Senior Manager
Nordenskiöldsgatan 8, SE-201 22 Malmö
Öhrlings PriceWaterhouseCoopers AB
Carl Fogelberg
Authorized Public Accountant | Partner
Anna Lindhs plats, SE-203 11 Malmö
If you have a complaint about Amaron´s products or services, please describe the matter as thoroughly as possible below to our compliance officer Kjell Rudsby, and we will do our utmost to meet your needs. We will respond to you as soon as possible, at the latest within two weeks.
Mob: +46 70 817 84 40
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